Stall holders are obliged to promote the wedding fair through their social media accounts, with provided artwork and share event details with new prospects
No refunds will be given if you choose to cancel your place or fail to attend the event
No refunds will be given if the event is to be postponed/cancelled by circumstances out of the event organisers control, however should a postponement take place on a new date at the event organisers discretion, vendors stand payment will transfer to the new date
Bump in bump out times and other conditions listed within the supplier information pack shall be adhered to
No vendor is allowed to bump in on day of the fair, all stands must be set up by end of the day prior.
Any goods left at the venue will be disposed of at the cost to the vendor
Any spaces that require cleaning after the fair will be charged out at $50 for every 15 minutes of cleaning required
All inside stalls are to be set up ready to trade at 9am and must not pack down prior to 3pm
Cars, food trucks and outdoor entertainment is to be completely set up by 8.30am on the morning of the event
All stalls are to be staffed throughout the entire duration of the event, this is to ensure you maximise your involvement
Insurance for loss or damage and public liability is the responsibility of the stall holder. Valley Loves will not be responsible for any loss or damage incurred by stall holders, their equipment or vehicles, to property owned by either stall holders or contractors
Valley Loves reserves the right to expel any vendor, and requires such vendors to be removed, should the conduct of the vendor be in any way detrimental to the well being of the event and/or other vendors. This includes selling products/services other than stated in the application form. In the case of such expulsion, monies paid to Valley Loves will not be refundable
No stands are to be split by multiple suppliers
No cross promotions are permitted at the Fair, unless both businesses have purchase a space.
After application form, and stands space paid in full we will send your information pack. We reserve the right to update this at anytime in the lead up to the fair.
All electrical equipment provided by vendors for their display (TV's, power boards, etc) MUST be tested and tagged. Vendors will not be permitted to use any electrical equipment that has not been tested and tagged prior to the event
All stand pricing, information packs, marketing propaganda, unique initiatives, application forms, password protected pages on this site are strictly confidential. Distribution of these to non vendors or any other person is prohibited, and will result in the expulsion from the fair with no refund provided
By paying and submitting your application for yourself, your employees and other stand staff, you are acknowledging and therefore accepting of our full terms and conditions